Nothing is more exciting, romantic and so challenging you're hands will shake than buying an engagement ring for the love of your life. It doesn't matter whether you have discussed spending the rest of your lives together or you're going to totally surprise them with the words "will you marry me?", this is a huge moment and the ring you choose is going to take centre stage on your soul mate's hand for the rest of eternity (translation: no pressure!).
Of course, no one expects you to be an expert on all things fashion or have a subscription to Vogue, but you are expected to pick out a killer ring that will both make your SO's heart flutter every time she sees it and be the envy of everyone who witnesses it sparkle -- which brings about the questions: what should you look for in an engagement ring?

The Secret To Perfection
Well, first things first, the secret to a perfect engagement ring is finding that band-and-stone combo that is totally unique -- something that matches your partner's personality -- and yet celebrates a truly timeless quality, so that your chosen ring is just as perfect now as it will be twenty years into your happily ever after. Make no mistake about it; this is no an easy feat because, well, more often than not, what’s in fashion today is not so much tomorrow.
As such, the most sensible move you can make is to play it safe. Not boring or generic or obvious, but safe and that means finding a ring that features a single stand-out gemstone in the centre of a delicate band. That's how to find the perfect balance between a show-stopping ring that boats the sort of simplistic beauty that will make it wow your person-to-be forever and a day, no mater how many times they look at it.

Diamonds Are Forever
The question now is: what gemstone do you go for? Spoiler alert: there's a lot (and we me a lot) of different options out there, and your responsibility is to find the perfect one. Now most women agree that diamonds are forever, so your safest bet is to talk to an experienced jeweller about traditional clear diamonds, the different grades you can get, cuts and shapes and then take it from there.
Look at colourless diamonds through to slightly yellow diamonds and ask to look at everything from round ones to marquise to cushion and even pear shaped ones. But don't be too overwhelmed because almost all diamonds share the same jaw-dropping attributes: they are elegant, stunning and glisten like nothing you have ever seen before. And best of all, a diamond ring goes with everything, always. Of course, it's so important you speak to a highly-respected jeweller when it comes to finding the perfect diamond -- someone that has a reputation as flawless as the rock you want to buy -- so if you're in Norfolk, make sure you visit Lanes in Holt. No one has a reputation quite like this family-run business.

Unique Gemstones To Choose
Of course, while diamonds are the most popular option, they aren't the only choice. In fact, as traditional weddings start to fade out and more non-traditional celebrations sweep in, more and more brides are falling in love with vibrant gemstones, of which our favourite is sapphire. Something about their depth and colour feels so unique, and all you need to do to make them look so beautifully timeless is set them in a nest of diamonds. Trust us, your soul mate will struggle to catch her breath when you get down on one knee and present a sapphire ring.

Looking For Hints & Clues
That said, not all soul mate's are destined to fall in love with such a bold style of ring, which is why we recommend you deploy your inner 007 and try to extract whatever information you can before choosing. It's all about dropping very subtle hints in order to find out what sort of style your SO is into most. Yes. Dropping hints about an engagement ring is obviously risky business, which is why we're here to help. So, one way you could go about this is showing them photographs of classy celebrities clearly wearing different rings. For example, Kate Middleton has a sapphire engagement ring, and we all know she is someone who is on the television or in the newspapers every single day. Alas, the next time you spot her, say something like: “This is going to sound stupid, but I was today years old when I found out colourful engagement rings were thing,” while showing her the picture of Katherine and then listen our for clues and hints. We know, we know, it's genius.

Understand Your Budget
With that done, another area that you will also need to consider is your budget. You certainly do not need to spend 3 months worth of wages, as a lot of people believe! You should spend what’s affordable to you. Your partner won’t want you to get into debt over a ring, so consider all of the costs of the proposal as well and then work it out from there For example, you may want to wait until the lockdown is over and get all of your loved ones together and propose in front of your nearest and dearest. You could host a party and make the most of a vintage coach hire to ensure everyone is in attendance and then do it. Or iff your partner is more of a private person, an intimate proposal in one of Norfolk's most romantic spots could be the perfect option . Either way, make sure you total the full cost before you make any decisions.

Don't Be Afraid To Ask
And last but not least on a list of considerations is this: never be afraid to ask for help. From scrolling through respected websites to reading blogs, talk to the expert assistants in your favourite jewellery shops to using Instagram and Pinterest to your advantage, there are so many places to seek help and we recommend using them. They are all there to help you find that perfect engagement ring, so if you tell them a little bit about you, your soul mate and your love story up until now, they will have the knowledge and insight to find you the most beautiful ring choices you could ever hope to find.
Thanks for reading! For more wedding tips, please do follow us on Facebook and Instagram and then tell all your friends to do the same.