Your wedding will be the most magical day of your life bar none. A feeling of total euphoria as you walk down the aisle looking a million bucks, your teary-eyed friends and family whooping and cheering from either side of you, cameras snapping your every elegant move, the love of your life lost for breath as he catches sight of you for the first time, desperate to rush through the proceedings so he can seal the deal with a dream-worthy kiss.
That’s what weddings are all about.
They’re all about the celebration of true love, raising a hundred glasses of delicious bubbles, sharing the moment with with your far-flung friends and family, taking the dancefloor to let your love sway this way and that, before you wave goodbye and take off for your honeymoon - that amazing first trip as Mr and Mrs Beautiful.
The question is: what sort of honeymoon are you going to go on?
From babymoons to monomoons, minimoons to tinymoons, there is so much to choose from. That’s why we’ve pulled together Your Ultimate Guide To The Different Types You Can Enjoy, quick definitions and all.
Now go and book your dream trip, enjoy the sort of romance only newlyweds can and relax in one another’s arms until you can’t put off reality any more. That’s what honeymoons are all about.

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