Incredible bridesmaid photographs to inspire you and your "I do" crew.
Whether or not you're a sucker for wedding traditions, getting married in the autumn or tying the knot in spring, every bride deserves to let loose a little lot, let their bubbly personality burst to life, round up their bride tribe and capture the sort of bridal party photos that will make you go, “OMG! Is that really what we’re like?” knowing full well that’s exactly what you’re like -- and you love it.
Think about everything you and your gal pals have been through since bae popped the question. All that planning. Picking out your gown from the endless list of styles and shapes, choosing bridesmaid dresses that made everyone look a million bucks, getting your hair and makeup done, and finding your squad a gift that will make them happy and giddy and tearful all at the same time. Bride tribes go through all the ups and downs and of planning a wedding, and once you’ve sorted all of that - woohoo! - it’s time for the fun part: posing for the camera.
Come on! You only get married once and, despite the fact you’ll tell hubby something different, every bride’s favourite wedding snaps are the ones of her and her glammed-up girl squad.
And in that spirit, we’ve pulled together some seriously stunning, funny and gorgeous inspiration to get you even more excited for the moment your photographer says, “and now can I get the bride with her bridesmaids.”